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Shamanic Practice

Working with the spirit realm is the world’s oldest spiritual and ancient healing practice known to humans. Although the word 'shaman' originates from the Tungus-speaking peoples of Siberia, we have come to understand this word universally as describing one who communicates with their retinue of helping spirits and guides in the non-ordinary realms to ask for healing or information on behalf of others.


Similarly, as with shamanism, animism offer a path of conscious initiation so we can become adept at living in the natural cycles of life-death-rebirth, and a shared affinity with Ancestors, Nature, and Spirit.


​Please be aware I only work with individuals over the age of 19 years.



My Services:




1) Channeled Reading Session 


A channeled reading where we tune into your heart's intelligence.


Connect with the realms of spirit guides & divine source to seek guidance and answers to a specific question you may have. This could be regarding your health, relationships or a personal matter in general.


Perhaps you have blocks holding you back in Life; or are coping with a difficult situation or event?  


Receive fresh insights and a higher resolve sourced from the unseen worlds.


This session lasts1hr 15 min.



2) Three (3) Shamanic Healing Sessions


A series package of three powerful sessions aimed to clear undesired energy attachments and restore life force.  May include extraction work; releasing a possessing spirit; canceling karmic soul contracts; cord cutting; chakra alignment; clearing negative thought forms; curse unraveling and power restoration.  I also include breath awareness and somatic practices for healing trauma.


Shamanic healing may help with all spiritual, psychological and physical issues. This time-tested ancient modality is useful in urgent cases if you feel:


  • a part of yourself is missing/not there after a traumatic event

  • unhealed emotionally or psychologially after surgery

  • affected by inherited family patterns; generational issues

  • drained from a codependent relationship/narcissistic abuse

  • thoughts, actions or words are not your own

  • dissociated or spacey with lack of direction in daily life

  • a spiritual or psychic emergency or awakening

  • in need of psychedelic/plant medicine integration


Each session lasts 1hr 45 min


* More than one session is often needed to create lasting results. A package series of three (3) sessions achieves a felt sense of completion. When you book a series, this presents an opportunity to effectively strengthen and restore wholeness, while more thoroughly addressing the problematic issues at hand. 


Simply schedule your 3-session series via my online booking system


Should you still have questions you may book a FREE 15 minute Consult Call.



The Animistic World  


"A world beyond ours, a world that is faraway, nearby and invisible.

Where God(desses) live, where the dead live, the spirits and the saints

A world where everything already happened and everything is known."   ~ Maria Sabina









How It Works

Shamanic practices assist in restoring our life force while embracing our innermost power.


Channeled Reading  


In this session, I will employ the use of a sacred rattle or drum to shift consciousness to connect with the wisdom and guidance of the unseen spirit dimensions.  Here we gain insight into your heart's path via the subtle realms, consulting the "invisible allies" such as power animals, ascended masters, gods/goddesses, deities, angels, ancestors, elementals, nature spirits & more for guidance and healing.


I will then channel useful information to you, while miraculous energetic healing streams from your guides via metaphors and symbolism. This promotes relaxation and profound clarity.


Shamanic Healing: Series of Three (3) Sessions


Sometimes overshadowing or intrusive energies may affect us and dim our light. In these energy clearing sessions, we will connect with the benevolent assistance of the helping spirits to perform an even deeper healing.


Intrusive energies present as self inflicted limiting belief systems; hostile/manipulative words from another that stick with you; or repetitive emotions such as your own shame, guilt, grief or anger which lead to a disempowering self image.


These intrusive energies may lodge in one's energy field and/or body and could lead to physical pain, discomfort, loss of vitality and obsessive mind churning & negative self talk. From a shamanic perspective of illness, when there is a loss of personal power like this, then one may become susceptible to further energy intrusion and loss of boundaries.


When foreign energies are released from your system, you'll begin to feel a Relief ~ sovereign, more spacious and clear.


In the instance where an entity, possessing spirit or suffering being has attached to the energy field, we enter a process of unbinding to usher (psychopomp) the being to its rightful place in the after life.


Animist spirit healers have always known the soul informs the mind, which informs the body. We work at the level of spirit or soul where the unease is known to originate. Once the spirit and soul are included and addressed in the therapy, a restoration of physical and mental balance and wholeness begins to occur.​​



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